About Your Yenta's

My Real Estate Yenta is the brainchild of three friends from Upstate New York who were searching for better ways to connect agents with clients after their own botched real estate match. Hunting for a great loft in the DC Metro area, Yenta President Jay was introduced to a fun and funky agent by a close friend living in the area.

When the agent showed up thirty minutes late, a stack of tattered, wrinkled papers two inches deep unceremoniously jammed into a clipboard and a wide-eyed look of bubbly happiness blended with equal parts insanity, Jay (think Type A former scientist) may have cursed his referring friends name.

So My Real Estate Yenta was born! The men’s goal was to develop a system by which people needing or offering real estate services could scientifically be matched together, rather than through random connection. Launched first in the DC Metro area in 2023, they are looking to grow throughout the country in 2024 and beyond.

Dr. Jay Groah


Our President, Dr Jay Groah, brings 19 years in the real estate industry to the table, having run his own offices, led mega sales teams, run real estate investment firms and designed/reimagined 46 residential, long-term and short-term dwellings.

Nate Crossett

Director of Operations

Nate Crossett, Director of Operations, is truly the renaissance man, with backgrounds in media and news reporting, not-for-profit management and time working in Congress. Nate and Jay’s 13 year friendship includes partnering on many real estate investments throughout the upstate New York area.

Kyle Lagasse

Director of Sales

Director of Sales, Kyle Lagasse started his real estate investment career at the ripe old age of 18 buying a multi-unit and managing several AirBnB-style properties. He’s also an incredibly talented professional bartender in the few spare moments he has.