I'm A Buyer

Looking to find a realtor using data and science to be perfectly matched by a Yenta?


wait, wait, you’re about to make one of the biggest purchases of your life – and you don’t know anything about the Real Estate Agent?


In The Past

there have been three common ways to have an agent assist you with the purchase:


You may trust a friend, family member or coworker. They had a great experience with their agent. A noble notion – but what do you know about that agent and their personality? Are you going to be an excellent fit? Will they understand, your hopes, dreams, needs and wants. (And seriously, did that friend always come up with the best advice in the past?)

Third Party Websites

Wow! Look at snazzy agent showing up on my feed as I’m hunting on ThisCoolHouseSite.com. Must be a cool dude. But wait, these agents PAY to be featured on that website, right? All you know about them is that they’re forking over some serious cash to show up in your face!


So you’re seeing a lot of signs for a particular agent in the area. Maybe you should give them a call, right? They’re obviously known and it may be a good idea to list with that popular kid. But, what do you know about this person? Is their personality a good match? Will they have you best interests at heart?


How can you be sure?
