How It Works


We use one of the most well-recognized personality assessment resources out there, the Meyers-Briggs assessment for both you and your potential clients. The output generated by this assessment describes so many facets of personality and lifestyle that we sincerely hope will lend to a great matchmaking experience.

We will receive a full workup of both you and the potential client’s personality, decision-makin style and motivation. The assessment tells US what they’re looking for in an agent! Based upon this data, our experts will recommend three agents – and one of them could be YOU!

Best part – it’s FREE to get going. If we match you, you and the client jive, and you close the client, we’ll accept a referral at the time of closing!


One of our awesome Yentas will be in touch to get you going on our personalized behavior and personality styles assessment.


Complete your assessments completely and truthfully. Trust us, lying won’t get you anywhere. And our boy Abe here, he’s keeping a close eye on you. 


Our experts will match you up with three wonderful agents that complement your personality style and working profile.


You’ll have the opportunity to choose one or more agents.


Those agents will be in touch to start the process off!